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Kendo UI – Build Better  and Faster JavaScript Apps

Kendo UI – Build Better and Faster JavaScript Apps

What is Kendo UI? The ultimate collection of JavaScript UI components with libraries for jQuery, Angular, React, and Vue. Quickly…

The strong sides of Angular

The strong sides of Angular

What is Angular? Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. Angular is…

The end of AngularJS

The end of AngularJS

What is AngularJS in simple terms? AngularJS is a client side JavaScript MVC framework to develop a dynamic web application.…

Tourguide.js Library

Tourguide.js Library

Want to see how it works right away?  Try on JSFiddle Install Tourguide.js 1npm i tourguidejs Why do you need…

Cube.js – the Open Source Dashboard Framework

Cube.js – the Open Source Dashboard Framework

Cube.js is an open source framework for building analytical web applications. It is primarily used to build internal business intelligence…

About 4 Essential ES2015 Features For VueJS Development

About 4 Essential ES2015 Features For VueJS Development

4 ES2015 features that you’ll use on a daily basis with Vue Arrow functions Template literals Modules Destructuring and spread…

Webix – JavaScript UI library and framework

Webix – JavaScript UI library and framework

JavaScript UI library and framework for speeding up web development Webix is a JavaScript Framework for cross-platform web Apps development 100…

Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 198

Safari Technology Preview Release 198 is now available for download for macOS Sequoia beta and macOS Sonoma. If you already…

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Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 198
ECMAScript 2024 JavaScript standard approved

ECMAScript 2024 JavaScript standard approved

ECMAScript 2024, the latest version of ECMA International’s standard for JavaScript, has been officially approved, with features including transferring ArrayBuffers…

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Intro to multithreaded JavaScript

The JavaScript language is one of the wonders of the software world. It is incredibly powerful, flexible, and versatile. One…

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Intro to multithreaded JavaScript
WebAssembly vs JavaScript: A Comparison

WebAssembly vs JavaScript: A Comparison

We compare WebAssembly and JavaScript, examining their performance, portability, ease of use, security, and community support. Continue reading WebAssembly vs…

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Node v22.4.0 (Current)

null ... more Read More

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Node v22.4.0 (Current)