Java – How to Print an Array in One Line

Introduction Java is a type-safe, verbose language. There are advantages to this, but also some drawbacks. Namely – there’s oftentimes a lot of boilerplate code and simple operations such as printing an array aren’t as simple as supplying it to the println() … more Read More

Unstoppable Jamstack and the Gatsby opportunity

Apparently, we’re back to wearing bell-bottoms in website land. But this time, they’re cool. Although we started with simple static-site generators (SSGs), the web evolved to embrace database-driven approaches to allow for increasingly dynamic websites. … more Read More

React Digest Issue #327

sponsor Deploy a React App Using KendoReact and Netlify Get hands-on with this blog post and learn how to use the Kendo UI Template Wizard to scaffold a new React application, build an Airbnb-like component and deploy it on Netlify. Try it out! this week’s … more Read More

changelog 投稿内容のサマリ (2021年9月下旬の内容)

/changelogサイトへの投稿内容を、こちら/blogサイトに抄訳版として定期的にまとめてご案内しております。製品アップデートの内容のご確認にお役立てください。■■ なお当抄訳版は、月2回を目安に運用しております。最新情報の取得につきましては、これまで通り、/changelogサイトの内容をRSSフィード経由あるいはTwitterチャネル経由でご確認ください。■■ 最後に、内容が正確であるよう努めますが、差異等があると判断される場合にはオリジナルの/changelogサイトの投稿を参考にするようお願いいたします。また記載の日付は米国時間帯ベースとなること、あらかじめご了承ください。 … more Read More

Exploring the CSS Paint API: Rounding Shapes

Adding borders to complex shapes is a pain, but rounding the corner of complex shapes is a nightmare! Luckily, the CSS Paint API is here to the rescue! That’s what we’re going to look at as part of this “Exploring the CSS Paint API” series. Exploring … more Read More

The CSS-in-React Landscape

(This is a sponsored post.) I only half-jokingly refer to the CSS-in-JS world as CSS-in-React. Many of the libraries listed below theoretically work in non-React situations — they generally call that “framework-agnostic”) — but I’d guess the vast majority … more Read More

@supports selector()

I didn’t realize the support for @supports determining selector support was so good! I usually think of @supports as a way to test for property: value pair support. But with the selector() function, we can test for selector support as well. It looks … more Read More