What’s Next: WebStorm 2021.3 Roadmap

Can you believe it’s fall already? Our team was pretty busy this summer – we released WebStorm 2021.2, put together a new JavaScript news series, and finalized our roadmap for the rest of the year. With WebStorm 2021.3 scheduled for the end of November, … more Read More

Interactive Learning Tools For Front-End Developers

Because this industry moves so quickly, learning new skills is a regular thing for most of us. Over the last little while, I’ve been able to collect links to several interactive coding tools and apps that can help you supplement your skills in different … more Read More

7 of the Best Code Playgrounds

A variety of front-end code playgrounds have appeared over the years. Most offer a quick and dirty way to experiment with client-side (and sometimes server-side) code then share it with others. Here’s our look at seven of the best. Online coding playgrounds … more Read More

Echo JS

Creating Infrastructure Components with Pulumi and Bit Productivity Tips That Only a Few Programmers Know Git Basics: The Final Guide Arka Softwares … more Read More

Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 131

Safari Technology Preview Release 131 is now available for download for macOS Big Sur and betas of macOS Monterey. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update in the Software Update pane of System Preferences on macOS. This … more Read More