HTTP/3 From A To Z: Core Concepts (Part 1)

You may have read some blog posts or heard conference talks on this topic and think you know the answers. You’ve probably heard things like: “HTTP/3 is much faster than HTTP/2 when there is packet loss”, or “HTTP/3 connections have less latency and take … more Read More

How to add Twitter Direct Messages into Twilio Flex

Twitter’s own research found 64% of customers on the platform would rather message a support handle than call up a business, and 75% expected to receive a response within 15 minutes. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can bring Twitter support … more Read More

Four Useful VSCode Extensions For Web Developers

Which param is the array and which is the callback in PHP functions array_map and array_filter ? I can never get it right. To avoid this confusion we can use Inline Parameters, which prints inline the names of the function parameters (for JavaScript, … more Read More

What Programmers Want, Love Or Dread

The 2021 Stack Overflow Survey Report has been published with a plethora of detail about who developers are, their experience and their preferences. As previously JavaScript is the prevalent language and Visual Studio Code is the most used IDE. Read … more Read More

August 2021 Security Releases

Summary The Node.js project will release new versions of all supported release lines on or shortly after Wednesday August 11th, 2021 in order to address: Two high severity issues and one low severity issue. Impact The 16.x release line of Node.js is vulnerable … more Read More

Testing a Meteor app with Cypress

From zero to start writing end-to-end tests When it comes to testing big applications, we need to test several modules or parts associated with one another. Usually, these modules are tested independently (e.g., unit tested ), but that does not necessarily … more Read More