Echo JS

Open-Source Food Delivery and Local Shopping Platform Stop Comparing Flutter’s Current Stage With Other Matured Frameworks Have We Lost The Privacy Battle To Supercookies? Queue Perfomance in JavaScript Idle game in ~200 line of pure JS Import Cloudformation outputs – new Tool LeetHub – Automatically sync your code b/w Leetcode Read more…

How MDN’s site-search works

tl;dr; Periodically, the whole of MDN is built, by our Node code, in a GitHub Action. A Python script bulk-publishes this to Elasticsearch. Our Django server queries the same Elasticsearch via /api/v1/search . The site-search page is a static single-page … more Read More

Why I Prefer Makefiles Over package.json Scripts

On any moderately-sized Node.js project you’ve likely already outgrown the package.json “scripts” section. But because the growth was gradual, with no single acute pain point, you might not have noticed. There’s a better way. What Are NPM Scripts? In … more Read More

A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components

Table of Contents Below you’ll find an alphabetical list of all accessible components. Skip the table of contents, or just scroll down to explore them one-by-one. :focus styles autocomplete buttons carousels “close” buttons content sliders … more Read More

Use Logpoints!

There’s sometimes a tribal attitude about how web developers should be debugging their code and solving problems. There’s the console.log loyalists, then there’s the debugger/breakpoint maximalists. I worked on the Firefox DevTools debugger for years … more Read More

Move over Java, JavaScript is the new WORA. Or is it?

Has JavaScript displaced Java as the new “Write once, run anywhere” (WORA) programming language? It all depends on your perspective. And with technologies such as WebAssembly arriving on the scene, Java could get a boost in a newfangled “write once, … more Read More

9 Best JavaScript and TypeScript ORMs for 2021

This article will briefly explain what object relational mapping (ORM) is, what an ORM library is, and why you should consider using one with your next JavaScript project. We’ll also help you evaluate the best JavaScript and TypeScript ORM libraries … more Read More