Echo JS

This api will blow your MIND!! Webpack’s Hot Module Replacement Feature Explained Search and seek to specific words in youtube videos Pyspark-easy Build native apps AND an SEO-optimized web app from the same React codebase 🚀 Introducing Auth0’s Next.js SDK 🎉 js-confetti: lightweight zero-config JavaScript Confetti library without any dependencies Read more…

Node v15.12.0 (Current)

Notable Changes crypto : add optional callback to crypto.sign and crypto.verify (Filip Skokan) #37500 support JWK objects in create*Key (Filip Skokan) #37254 deps : switch openssl to quictls/openssl (James M Snell) #37601 update to cjs-module-lexer@1.1.0 … more Read More

How to Use Finite State Machines in React

Learn about finite state machines, the advantages of this computer science concept and how we can use it in React apps. Dealing with state logic is always painful. That’s why we’re always restructuring and making sure that the functions that update our … more Read More

How to Convert DOCX To Html With Python Mammoth

Introduction At some point in your software development path, you’ll have to convert files from one format to another. DOCX (used by Microsoft Word) is a pretty common file format for a lot of people to use. And sometimes, we’d like to convert Word Documents … more Read More

Detect browser support for WebAuthn

Browser support for WebAuthn is growing rapidly. As of writing, 87.39% of internet users should have support. You can check for WebAuthn support by checking for PublicKeyCredential in JavaScript: if (window.PublicKeyCredential) { console.log(“Supported.”); … more Read More