4 façons de faire des requêtes HTTP en Node.js

L’envoi de requêtes HTTP est une fonctionnalité de base des langues modernes et l’une des premières choses que de nombreux devs apprennent. En ce qui concerne Node.js, il existe un grand nombre de solutions à cette problématique, qu’elles soient intégrées … more Read More

React Navigation 5: Unit Testing Components

The release of React Navigation 5 drastically changed how navigation is structured for React Native projects. One major change with this release was the introduction of useNavigation . This React Hook makes it easy to access the navigation prop from … more Read More

Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 121

Safari Technology Preview Release 121 is now available for download for macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update in the Software Update pane of System Preferences on macOS. This release … more Read More

An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions

A wonderful post by Josh that both introduces CSS transitions and covers the nuances for using them effectively. I like the advice about transitioning the position of an element, leaving the original space it occupied alone so it doesn’t result in what … more Read More

Building A Discord Bot Using Discord.js

Team communication platforms are getting popular day by day, as more and more people work from home. Slack and Discord are two of the most popular team communication platforms. While Discord is focused on gamers, some functionality, such as the ability … more Read More

How to handle component interaction in React

Every React app is composed of interacting components. How these components communicate is an essential aspect of the UI architecture. As applications grow larger and more complex, component interaction becomes even more important. React provides several … more Read More

An array of important security releases

#377 — February 25, 2021 Read on the Web Node Weekly Tauri: A New(ish) Framework for Building Desktop Apps with a Web Frontend — Electron is the big cheese in the ‘build desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML and CSS’ space but other contenders are now coming … more Read More