Introducing State Partitioning

State Partitioning is the technical term for a new privacy feature in Firefox called Total Cookie Protection, which will be available in ETP Strict Mode in Firefox 86. This article shows how State Partitioning works inside of Firefox and explains what … more Read More

Introducing State Partitioning

State Partitioning is the technical term for a new privacy feature in Firefox called Total Cookie Protection, which will be available in ETP Strict Mode in Firefox 86. This article shows how State Partitioning works inside of Firefox and explains what … more Read More

Scala 3 moves to release candidate stage

Scala 3, the planned next version of the object-oriented, functional language with JVM and JavaScript runtimes, has moved to a release candidate stage, with type parameter ehhancements and syntax improvements. The Scala 3 RC, introduced February 17, … more Read More

Echo JS

A Gift of Sound and Vision — Affecting images using the Web Audio API [Live] The Beginner’s Guide to React Testing – Free eBook Selenium Object Identification Tool … more Read More