JavaScript Still Tops RedMonk’s Rankings

The latest iteration of the RedMonk Language Ranks dated January 2021 shows no change at the top of the table but there are some interesting movements lower down with TypeScript and Dart moving up while Ruby and Go are slipping down. Read more… … more Read More

jQuery 3.6 Released

After a considerable gap between releases, jQuery 3.6 is out, bringing with it bug fixes and improvements. Despite what you might think it is still very relevant. … more Read More

React authentication, simplified

Authentication is one of those things that just always seems to take a lot more effort than we want it to. To set up auth, you have to re-research topics you haven’t thought about since the last time you did authentication, and the fast-paced nature … more Read More

changelog 投稿内容のサマリ (2021年2月下旬の内容)

/changelogサイトへの投稿内容を、こちら/blogサイトに抄訳版として定期的にまとめてご案内しております。製品アップデートの内容のご確認にお役立てください。■■ なお当抄訳版は、ひとまず月2回を目安に運用開始しております。フレッシュな情報の取得につきましては、これまで通り、/changelogサイトの内容をRSSフィード経由あるいはTwitterチャネル経由でご確認ください。■■ 最後に、内容が正確であるよう努めますが、差異等があると判断される場合にはオリジナルの/changelogサイトの投稿を参考にするようお願いいたします。また記載の日付は米国時間帯ベースとなること、あらかじめご了承ください。 … more Read More

Deno 1.8 preps for GPU-accelerated machine learning

Deno 1.8, released on March 2, offers preliminary support for an API to bring enhanced machine learning to the secure JavaScript/TypeScript runtime. Experimental backing for the WebGPU API, for performing operations such as rendering and computation … more Read More

Types in JavaScript

Learn about the primitive types in JavaScript, how type coercion works and a better solution to working with types in JavaScript. All programming languages have built-in types. They’re the building blocks that help us to structure our code and create … more Read More