A wonderful collection of little layout-related CSS snippets from Stephanie Eckles that serves both as a quick reference and a reminder of how straightforward and powerful CSS has become. Random things to note! The resizeable containers aren’t some JavaScript … more Read More

React Component Tests for Humans

React component tests should be interesting, straightforward, and easy for a human to build and maintain. Yet, the current state of the testing library ecosystem is not sufficient to motivate developers to write consistent JavaScript tests for React … more Read More

Six time-saving tips for using the DevTools Console

Microsoft Edge DevTools engineer Patrick Brosset recently collected some of the web development community’s favorite tips for getting the most out of one of the most popular features of browser DevTools: the humble Console. We’ve collected a few highlights … more Read More

JavaScript performance beyond bundle size

There’s an old story about a drunk trying to find his keys in the streetlight. Why? Well, because that’s where it’s the brightest. It’s a funny story, but also relatable, because as humans we all tend to take the path of least resistance. I think we … more Read More

Node v10.24.0 (LTS)

Notable changes Vulnerabilities fixed: CVE-2021-22883 : HTTP2 ‘unknownProtocol’ cause Denial of Service by resource exhaustion Affected Node.js versions are vulnerable to denial of service attacks when too many connection attempts with an ‘unknownProtocol’ … more Read More

Node v14.16.0 (LTS)

Notable changes Vulnerabilities fixed: CVE-2021-22883 : HTTP2 ‘unknownProtocol’ cause Denial of Service by resource exhaustion Affected Node.js versions are vulnerable to denial of service attacks when too many connection attempts with an ‘unknownProtocol’ … more Read More

Node v12.21.0 (LTS)

Notable changes Vulnerabilities fixed: CVE-2021-22883 : HTTP2 ‘unknownProtocol’ cause Denial of Service by resource exhaustion Affected Node.js versions are vulnerable to denial of service attacks when too many connection attempts with an ‘unknownProtocol’ … more Read More

Node v15.10.0 (Current)

Notable changes Vulnerabilities fixed: CVE-2021-22883 : HTTP2 ‘unknownProtocol’ cause Denial of Service by resource exhaustion Affected Node.js versions are vulnerable to denial of service attacks when too many connection attempts with an ‘unknownProtocol’ … more Read More

Canvas vs SVG: Choosing the Right Tool for the Job

HTML5 Canvas and SVG are both standards-based HTML5 technologies that you can use to create amazing graphics and visual experiences. The question I’m asking in this article is the following: Should it matter which one you use in your project? In other … more Read More