Building Your Own Personal Learning Curriculum

After completing a bootcamp in March 2019, I was overwhelmed by the choice of frameworks, libraries, languages, and courses I had to choose from to continue independent learning and hopefully score myself one of those elusive junior developer jobs. Almost … more Read More

Echo JS

Crane come with everything you need while creating multi-page Web App What Is a Static Site? (And Will It Really Help Your SEO?) Zero Server: Build Modern Web Apps with Multiple Languages and Frameworks — and Zero Config … more Read More

How Using Modern JavaScript May Improve Performance

Houssein Djirdeh and Jason Miller recently explained at the Chrome Developer Summit 2020 how modern JavaScript may shorten the size and improve the performance of web applications. The website provides Google’s estimation of the potential … more Read More

Introduction to Mixins in TypeScript

In this article you will be introduced to the concept of mixins in TypeScript with simple and clear terms, so even if you’re new to the concept you can follow along and get motivated enough to adopt this tool into your workflow. TypeScript TypeScript … more Read More

What Is React Used For?

What does React do, and how does it differ from other JavaScript libraries/frameworks? Let’s learn about the concepts that make React stand apart. By now, you’ve heard of React. The “State of JavaScript 2020” survey shows React is the most-used JavaScript … more Read More